WU Yih-Han Solo Exhibition

2015.06.29 Mon. - 07.17 Fri.

11:00-18:00 (日祝休)

初夏  たけだ美術では台北出身の若手アーティスト、呉逸寒の個展を 催す運びとなりました。


今回 東京での初展示となります。   呉はドイツ・シュツットガルトに生まれ、台北の芸術大学を卒業後 ドイツへ戻りミュンヘンにて学びました。

作家は近年、子供たちをテーマに制作を進めており、 今回はその最新作を含めた展示を予定しております。


どこまでも繊細に描かれた子供たちの肌や髪、その視線。 クラシックながらも はっとさせられる、彼らの表情。

シンプルで どこか湿度と影を感じるフランドル絵画のような空間を背景に、 大人びた子供たちは静かに、しかし きりりと 存在しています。


ウー・イーハンならではの細密さで描かれた、 客観性と主観性を併せ持つポートレート。

初期作品も交えながら どうぞご堪能ください。




WU Yih-han Solo Exhibition

Place : Takeda Art Co.

Date :  June 29 (Mon.) – July 17 (Fri.) 2015

Time : 11:00 – 18:00 (close on Sundays)


Takeda Art Co. is pleased to announce that a Wu Yih-Han’s first solo exhibition will be held in Tokyo early this summer.

The young Taiwanese artist Wu was born in Stuttgart, Germany.


After graduation from National Taipei University of the Arts, she went back to Germany and studied in Munich.

Her recent works has been symbolized by the theme of “children”. This time, our gallery is planing to show the artist’s works, including her latest works.

You will find it interesting to see her delicate expressions of children’s skin texture, each single hair, and meaningful glances.

You will be also amazed by their facial expressions, even though her classic style of painting.

Those backgrounds are like the Flemish paintings. Her works are simple, yet we could feel moisture and a shadow.


The grown-up children are existing quietly on her works. Portraits of Wu Yih-Han, with her delicate brushwork, are characterized by both objectivity and subjectivity.

We hope you will enjoy Wu’s exhibition, including her early works.