渡邉博史 写真展 Suo Sarumawashi
2015.12.15 Tue. - 2016.01.20 Wed.
11:00-18:00 (日祝休)
たけだ美術では、LA在住の日本人写真家、 渡邉博史の個展を催す運びとなりました。
周防猿まわしの会で、渡邉博史が “名優たち” を撮り下ろしました。
Hiroshi Watanabe Photo Exhibition Suo Sarumawashi
Place : Takeda Art Co.
Date : December 15, 2015 – January 20, 2016
Time : 11:00 – 18:00 (closed on Sunday and national holidays)
Takeda Art Co. is pleased to inform you of the Hiroshi Watanabe Solo Photo Exhibition.
Sarumawashi or Monkey show is one of the oldest Japanese traditional performing arts.
The Japanese photographer Watanabe, who lives in Los Angeles, had photographed “Great actors” at Suo Sarumawashi.
The international artist made this traditional Japanese art into another form of art as if to recur to the Japanese culture.”
We hope you will appreciate the expressions, vibrant movements and rhythm of ” Osaru-san”s or monkeys.
Takeda Art Co. displays and sells our carefully selected fourteen works, focusing on his original silver gelatin prints.
All the staff hopes you will enjoy this photo exhibition.